Monday, September 20, 2021

Bulletin Article: September 19

Now that our parish homecoming celebration is behind us our parish will look towards October. During this month we will have the blessing of pets with a pet show to follow on October 2nd at 10:30am, the final rosary and adoration of October 13th at 6pm with a reception to follow, and our trunk or treat will be the evening of October 29th.

Our parish stewardship weekend will be next weekend, September 25/26. You should be receiving a letter in the mail with a commitment form on Monday. I ask that you prayerfully consider filling out this form and returning it in the collection basket next week. My hope is that we can have full parish participation in this commitment weekend. Stewardship transcends the giving of money and includes one time and talent. Stewardship is to be a Christian disciple who is committed to carrying out the work of God. Our parish YouTube page currently has ten videos which have been uploaded where parishioners share their understanding of stewardship. May we always be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to our care.

In Christ,

Fr. Dustin Collins