Our Gospel presents us with the steward who comes to the realization that he can no longer live in the manner that he had been living. He has been called to judgement and thus everything is fleeting before his sight. With this he has the foresight to look ahead and to plan accordingly for this judgement which will take place. Concerning his actions it was said of him, “and the lord commended the unjust steward, for as much as he had done wisely.”
We too will be called to judgement like this steward. It is so easy to get caught up living mindlessly without taking the time to realize where we are truly headed. As Christians we are not called to live in the moment, but to live for Christ in all that we do. Nevertheless, there are those who have been claimed for Christ in the waters of baptism and live a life which is contrary to what they have been claimed for.
The steward prepared for his judgement just like each of us should do. Saint Jerome stated: “The lesson we are to learn is to use presently all the talents we have at our disposal so as to prepare for ourselves riches for heaven.” Heaven is the ultimate goal of this life and everything that we do should be directed towards this reality. Neverless, there are so many who are only concerned with the here and now and never reflect upon how what we do in the here and now may effect our hope of Heaven.
As Catholics we have the fullness of faith at our disposal. Through entering more and more into the faith we come to know Christ more intimately. Through the sacraments we have the gift of grace which assist us in loving and serving God in all that we do. Confession is an important sacrament for through it we who have entered into sin are healed in order that we may more fully begin to live for God. This sacrament directs the way towards the Eucharist for in this most august of sacraments we come to receive Christ into our life.
The Eucharist is food for the journey. This journey of which we speak is Heaven. The steward knew that his time was running short and he acted accordingly. Likewise, no matter how young or old that we may be may we come to this same realization.
The Lord ends this parable by stating: “And I say to you: Make unto you friends of the mammon if iniquity.” In such manner the steward took ill gotten gains and used them to move from iniquity towards righteousness. To fathom what will happen to all those who instead build their life upon the Divine Word of Christ where no wicknedngess can be found. Let set our sight upon Christ and through our love for Him and His Church always move forward towards the Kingdom of Heaven.