Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Vigil Homily


This is the most holy of nights for on this night we proclaim the great reality that Christ has triumphed over sin and death. We rejoice for the tomb is not the end, but instead as was revealed to Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome that the Lord has risen. It is for this reason that we dare to cry out Alleluia, for all is well with the world now that Christ has risen and thus a great hope shines forth for us for all eternity.

On this night we also rejoice with those who enter into the life giving waters of baptism and who will be received into the Church. May we continue to pray for them and through these life giving acts which we witness and the profession of faith which we will soon make may our love for Christ increase and may our commitment to Him do the same.

It is hard to fathom that only a year ago our Church was closed and nobody was in attendance for these most sacred of liturgies. At that time it seemed as if we were thrust into a perpetual period of darkness. Nevertheless, Christ continues to triumph over every pain and hardship that may come our way. He looks upon us and desires that we be moved towards His heart of infinite mercy. Through the Resurrection our sadness and pain is quickly turned into a period of hope and rejoicing.

As we celebrate this most sacred of nights we must come to trust in the Lord. Let us remain attentive to Him and allow Him to illuminate the darkness of our soul. Let Him bring us to the light of His salvation and from this sanctifying light we come to be transformed into people of true faith. Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome encountered this great hope which sent them forth into the world to be witnesses of this truth. Likewise, may we join with them in coming to encounter Christ and spreading the Good News of the Gospel to the world.