Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Anniversary of Dedication of Church Homily

Today is a very special day in the life of the local Church of Johnson City for we celebrate the Solemnity of the Dedication of our Church. This parish has a rich history within this city which heralds all the way back to 1906 when this parish was founded. Of those 114 years we have spent 20 of them within this church which we currently use.

If we take a moment to reflect upon the evolution of these past 114 years we will realize the growth of Catholicism throughout this area. As time went by this parish has grown and with it the people of this parish were faced with the need to build a new church. When we look around this place in its vastness we should realize the need to evangelize and to be sent forth to lead others into a relationship with Christ. If that task was not done by those who came before us we would not be in the building that we are in today.

The Church reminds us of the instruction of Christ: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” You see within these hallowed walls we come to encounter Christ who is present with us in the Eucharist. We come to worship God especially as we enter into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are reminded that independent from our worship of Him that it is impossible for us to be sent out as disciples for there is nothing that we can do when it is done independent of Christ.

As we continue this celebration may we as the people of God continue to come together in our worship of God. From our worship of Him may our hearts be transformed to better reflect Him to those whom we encounter within this life. Truly from our interaction with this holy place we are sent forth to live out our faith and to draw others into relationship with God. It for this reason that we celebrate this great joy which is the anniversary of the dedication of this church.

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