Sunday, August 30, 2020

22nd Sunday of OT Year A Homily

Saint Paul is very clear in our Epistle by stating: “Do not conform yourselves to this age.” Nevertheless, it is popular culture which forms so many hearts and souls instead of the truths which are contained within the Gospels and the teaching authority of the Church. Sadly, some children do not know the prayers of the rosary, but can recite the lyrics of popular songs without hesitation. Some are unable to navigate the pages of a bible, but are able to navigate a phone where an abundance of information awaits at one’s fingertips. To name something as simple as the 12 apostles or first pope is an impossibility, but one can rattle off the names of the actors of a favorite television show at ease. We go nowhere without our phone, but so easily leave our rosary behind.

No matter one’s age or if one be single or married we should devote our life onto the Lord instead of the ways of this age. Within our own home should be a place where the Lord comes and dwells with us. Nevertheless, when was the last time that your family gathered together for prayer? In doing so I hope this transcends a simple blessing given before one eats. On the other hand when is the last time that your family has watched television together? Some will not remember the answer to this first question while easily being able to recollect the answer to the second question which was proposed. Our homes must become places of prayer and study of the faith. Husband and wife should join together in this reality and should bring their children into this same relationship which models themselves after the ways of the Lord and not of this age.

Parents play an important role in building up the domestic church. The domestic church is the church at home which exists in order to draw souls towards love of the Lord. The Code of Canon Law states: “parents are under a grave obligation to see to the religious and moral education of their children, as well as to their physical and civic training, as far as they can.” Pope Paul VI also stated in Gravissimum Educationis: “the role of parents in education is of such importance that is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.” From these quotations we see the importance that the Church places upon education for education is a way to form an individual to love and serve the Lord who is the fullness of truth itself.

With the lack of attention which is placed here it is no wonder why we have so many issues within our world for we no longer dare to conform ourselves to Christ, but instead this age. Thus under normal circumstances the Mass is not frequented except for when it is convenient to fit our schedule. We begin to abuse the beautiful meaning which lies behind the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony to the point that it no longer meets its God given purpose. Thus the prevalence divorce, contraception, and an attempt to redefine marriage as between a man and a woman gives rise within society. We lose sight of the sanctity of human life from conception to a natural death. We lose sight of the poor for the amassment of our own kingdom on earth. Truly it is easy to be distracted by this age to the point that we allow ourself to lose sight of Christ.

Again let us heed the words which were given by Saint Paul in our Epistle: “Do not conform yourselves to this age.” In this manner let us be willing to stand against the tides of popular culture. Let us be willing to hold steadfast on the moral teachings of the church. Let us continue to take up practices such as spiritual reading and education in the faith. Let us study and emulate the lives of the saints.Let us be willing to make prayer a priority especially as a family. Let us frequent the sacraments of the Church and come to live out the grace that is given there especially by receiving Holy Communion in the state of grace and coming to frequent the sacrament of Confession. Truly our sight should not be set upon this age, but upon Christ and the Church that He has left upon this earth in order to draw us into deeper relationship with Him.

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