Monday, May 25, 2020

Bulletin Article: May 24

Some quick notes concerning the opening of our parish:

-Masses will resume May 25 with our normal Mass schedule going forward.
-Our parish office will be staffed starting May 26. Those who need to enter will have their temperature taken before entering.
-Mass intentions can be requested beginning June 1.
-The scheduling of parish facilities continues to be closed until further notice.
-Confessions continue at the regular times of Wednesday at 6pm, Saturday at 9am, and Sunday at 1:30pm. Please note that those standing in line and making their confession must now wear a mask.
-I have posted a video to our parish YouTube page in English and Father Jesus has posted a video in Spanish walking the parish through the new procedures for Mass. Please watch this if you able.

I look forward to next weekend and our public celebration of the Mass and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 

In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins