Advent is a time of fervent hope.
The Advent wreath serves as a reminder of this expectant hope. From the candles of the wreath the darkness is illuminated with light. On December 13 we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Lucy. Saint Lucy is often depicted with a wreath of candles placed upon her head. This wreath would illuminate the darkness as she made her way to visit Christians in the catacombs.
The Memorial of Saint Lucy is important because it gives way to the light for the coming of the Messiah now draws near. This is the great hope for which we now long.
Saint Josemaria Escriva stated: “That disturbance in your spirit, the temptation which envelops you, seems to blindfold the eyes of your soul. You are in darkness. Don't insist on walking by yourself, for, by yourself you will fall.”
These words are very true because we so often attempt to toil about the issues of life all by ourself. If all by ourself we will toil about lost in the darkness. We are in need of a guide who will light the way for us. That guide for which our soul now longs is Christ our Lord.
With that we must make use of the sacraments of the church. We must make use of the sacrament of confession for it purifies us in order that we may see more clearly. We must receive our Blessed Lord in the state of grace for here we come to not only encounter Christ as He is, but allow Him to enter into our life.
In the words of Saint Josemaria Escriva: “Seek union with God and buoy yourself up with hope — that sure virtue! — because Jesus will illuminate the way for you with the light of his mercy, even in the darkest night.”