On June 9th we will come to celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. This is a very important celebration in the life of the Church because it places our attention upon the Holy Spirit. For us, the pilgrim people of the Church on earth, we must turn our attention towards the Holy Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all aspects of our life. The Church speaks so much about the New Evangelization, but this can only become a reality if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our interactions with the world.
In the words of Saint Josemaria Escriva: “The disciples, witnesses of the glory of the risen Christ, were filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Their minds and hearts were opened to a new light.” Truly the light of Christ dispels the darkness of sin and death from our midst. From what Christ offers on our behalf this new light always shines forth. Unfortunately, we do not always allow ourself to be guided by the promptings of the Holy Spirit, but instead push them from our midst.
With this in mind, Saint Josemaria goes on to state: “They had followed Christ and accepted his teachings with faith, but they were not always able to fathom the full meaning of his words. The Spirit of truth, who was to teach them all things, had not yet come. They knew that Jesus alone could give them words of eternal life, and they were ready to follow him and to give their lives for him. But they were weak, and in the time of trial, they fled and left him alone.” From this we can see that the apostles were not yet the Evangelists who went be sent out to evangelize the nations. It was only through their interaction with the Holy Spirit that they were sent forth to proclaim to the nations the Goodness of God.
As Saint Josemaria would state concerning Pentecost: “On Pentecost all that is a thing of the past. The Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of strength, has made them firm, strong, daring. The word of the Apostles resounds forcefully through the streets of Jerusalem.” This is why Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit is so important for us. We must desire to always see the great light which is Christ our Lord, we must desire to bring Christ into the world, and we must realize that we cannot do so under our own power.
It is a necessity that we prepare for the reception of such a gift. Nine days before Pentecost, May 31st, would be the perfect way to do so through starting a Novena to the Holy Spirit. So many head into the world to live their life as they wish, but they don’t all themself to do so under the influence of the Holy Spirit. May we allow the gift of the Holy Spirit to come upon us and to sent us forth into the abundant harvest of the Lord as true witnesses of the Gospel.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
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