Sunday, December 2, 2018

1st Sunday of Advent Year C Homily

It was a few days prior to Halloween that I was eating supper at a local restaurant. Already playing upon the radio was Christmas music. Only a few days later I would be at a coffee shop to overhear people talking about officially being in the Christmas season and yet it was still October. Now that we have celebrated Thanksgiving many go on to celebrate Christmas which after the 25th day of December will be taken down, boxed up, and long forgotten.

But today the Church reminds us that we are in a period of preparation. That we are not yet at Christmas and before we get there that we must prepare. This is the season of Advent which comes from the Latin word “Adventus” which means “to come.” This Latin word comes from the Greek word, parousia. It is this word which is used a total 17 times in scripture in reference to the Second Coming Christ. 

Saint Bernard of Claivaux remarked that there are a total of three comings of Christ: (1) In the flesh at the Nativity, (2) in glory at the end of time, and (3) daily within our heart. This is precisely why the season of Advent is so important for us to observe. If we fail to observe this season we fail to make room with Christ at Bethlehem, we fail to prepare for our encounter with Him at the end of time, and we fail to realize our daily need to allow Him to enter into our heart.

The Prophet Jeremiah places our sight about God’s first coming to dwell among us: For “In those days, in that time, I will raise up for David a just shoot; he shall do what is right and just in the land.” This promise which is made is connecting the dots between King David and the coming of the Messiah. This is to say that the coming of Christ is what all of scripture is pointing towards. That Christ is the fulfillment of the many covenants which are found throughout scripture.

Verse 27 of our Gospel states: “And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” It here that we are being given a glimpse into the establishment of the New Covenant as well as being informed that Christ will come again in great glory. It is for this reason that we need to be found watchful and awake. If we are not found watchful and awake it is possible that we will miss out completely.

The Church does not give us directives on when we are to decorate for Christmas, but the Church does give us this beautiful season of preparation. We now prepare for Christ’s coming. We are not yet in the season of Christmas. I hope that you will not get caught up in the busyness of these next four weeks without taking a break to truly ponder what it is that you are preparing for. The heart of Christmas is not gifts or decorations, but is Christ. There is so much that we do which we carefully plan out to the minute of details. To think back to Black Friday and what makes a successful purchase. You must know the deal at hand, you must know where it is located, and you better get there super early. If we take so much time for trivial stuff like this why don’t we take time to build a relationship with Christ by preparing our heart for His coming?

For His coming in the manger at the Nativity, for His second coming at the end of time, and for His daily coming to reign within our heart. Let our hearts not become drowsy, but instead remain watchful and awake. Let us keep watch for the Lord is coming soon. May we be found prepared for His arrival.