There are many religious groups which are concerned with the end of time. They are convinced that what is going on within the world is proof of various revelations made throughout the course of scripture that proves that the end is nigh. Some are so bold that they even dare to attach a date to the end of the world, but time and time again those dates come and go and we are still here.
Now surprisingly, the Church does proclaim that we are already in the final age. The 2nd Vatican Council states: “Already the final age of the world is with us and the renewal of the world is irrevocably under way.” This is true because we now await the second coming of Christ. As we proclaim in the mystery of faith: “We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.”
We now set our sight upon the end of time for next week we will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King which will bring about the conclusion of the liturgical year. Then we will find ourself in the midst of the season of Advent as we prepare for the birth of the Messiah as well as the return of Jesus in the second coming. I believe that this second point often goes forgotten, but we cannot forget the fact that Christ will come again.
Saint Mark’s Gospel expresses these notions for “the sun will be darkened” “and then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in the clouds’ with great power and glory.” Elsewhere in Scripture we are told that we know not the time nor the hour. We are told that we must remain vigilant for we do not know the hour when the owner of the house will return.
As Catholics we do not spend time attempting to calculate the date of the world’s end, but we must be convinced of the importance of being found prepared. The fact is that Christ will come again. To this we know not the time nor the hour. We may be alive or long gone, but He will come again. Even if we are long gone by the time of Christ’s second coming there is no one among us who can escape death. Each and every one of us will fall prey to its grasp.
Despite this we often live our life as if we are invincible. Rather, we should acknowledge the reality of our own mortality and strive for Heaven above all things. To think that there will come an hour when we will be judged, but we act as if this matters not to us. The judgement of God stands for all eternity and yes there is the possibility that we will not be found worthy of Heaven.
Therefore prepare for the end now because once it gets here there will no longer be time to prepare. As we come to the conclusion of this liturgical year and draw ever closer to Advent and our Lord’s second coming we need to prepare. This is precisely why actions such as fasting and penance are so important. They aid us in being found prepared as we draw closer to this reality.