Sunday, August 6, 2017

Transfiguration Year A Homily

Today we take a break from Ordinary Time in order to celebrate this Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Throughout the course of the liturgical year we hear about our Lord's Transfiguration on two occasions. We hear of it on this feast day as well as during the 2nd Sunday of the Lenten season.

The Transfiguration of the Lord serves as a map which points the way towards the splendor and light which awaits us in the Kingdom of Heaven. As we pass through the reality of the cross and thus the struggle of our everyday life we are in need of this glimpse.

It was for this reason that Christ took with Him the apostles Peter, James, and John to the mountaintop to be transfigured in their sight. For they would soon experience the Passion of our Lord and thus their cross which would spring forth from this reality. They needed this glimpse into the splendor and light which awaits them in the Heavenly Kingdom.

Each of us have come to experience the same cross in some way. Be it the cross of sickness, the cross of a struggling marriage, the cross of an addiction, the cross of presenting ourself as Christian in the midst of a world which rejects this message, or any cross which we must embrace. We know that the cross is not easy and thus it is easy to get crushed under its weight. Thus we too need this same glimpse into the splendor and light which awaits us in the Kingdom of Heaven which was experienced by Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop.

As Christ was transfigured in the midst of these three apostles we are instructed that His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as light. This is to say that through this moment in time He was expressing unto the apostles and unto each of us that which awaits us in Heaven. Indeed that which awaits us in Heaven is most beautiful and true and thus may we always place this reality before our sight no matter the cross or difficulty which might present itself unto us for the Transfiguration serves as a reminder of the Kingdom of Heaven.

With the Transfiguration of our Lord placed upon mind and heart may we always move forward towards Heaven. May we allow nothing to get us caught off guard, but rather may we always move forwards towards Christ. May we truly strive to look upon this map which orients our sight towards the joys of Heaven and thus allow it to lead us towards this great reality.