Truly God gives to each of us the grace which is necessary to lead good and holy lives, but we so often allow ourself to get up in the ways of the world at the expense of the Gospel. No matter the life that we have lived in the past we must remember that we can become this good soil which is prepared to receive God’s grace.
Therefore let us consider for ourself the ways in which we can prepare the soil of our soul to receive this abundant outpouring of God’s grace. Let us realize that in doing so we must also consider the ways in which we allow the weeds to grow up within our soul and thus choke out this gift of grace which God is pouring upon us. We must remember that it is not God who withholds rather it us who reject this gift by the way in which we live our life.
If we are to clean out the weeds which choke out grace within our life then we must be willing to enter into the silence of prayer. Here making a daily examination of conscience which causes us to be truthful in our reflection of the ways in which we have transgressed against God and thus each other. Such a practice allows us to make a daily act of contrition as we continue to set straight our path towards an encounter with the Lord. Frequent confession also assists the soul in coming to be cleaned for such an infusion with God’s grace.
Yes, we should desire to cultivate within our life and home this attitude which is open to receiving God’s grace. Throughout our life there are so many ways in which we can be strengthened in our relationship with the Lord. We strengthened when we worthily receive the Most Holy Eucharist for what we receive is truly Jesus Christ who loves us dearly.
The world is a busy place therefore we must constantly remind ourself of the Eucharist. Be it a visit to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the midst of our busy day or a simple recollection of mind to the gift which is Christ present with us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Truly such visits are beneficial in changing the disposition of our life in order that we may be more patterned after our Lord and thus open to receiving God’s grace.
Other forms of prayer also assist us in cultivating this reality within ourself especially that of the Most Holy Rosary. The Rosary assists us in lifting our minds and hearts to the mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. The Rosary allows us to walk with our Blessed Mother and thus in return ask that she may assist us in preparing our soul to receive God’s grace. We must remember the exclamation of the angel Gabriel to her: “Hail Mary, full of grace.” Truly she is most perfect in God’s eyes and thus intercedes that we may receive the gift of God’s grace.
This day and always let us keep watch over the soil of life in order that it may be found rich in nature and thus welcoming of God’s grace.