Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday. The Trinity is a reminder of God's love for within the Trinity we see a love which is so perfect that it is both mutual and overflowing. If love is true it cannot abuse another, it cannot be done with the motive to achieve something in return, and thus it cannot lead us away from God. God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct Persons. The relationship of these distinct Persons express true love for us for the love of the Trinity is both mutual and overflowing.
Ask the young couple why they want to marry one another. The answer will be because we love one other, but what is love? Love can only be perfectly understood in the confines of the Most Holy Trinity. It is something for us to strive for and to work at. As English speakers we are deprived of the many words which exist for love in other languages. In Latin one word for love is "caritas." Caritas is the love that is found within the Trinity. When we hear this word we think charity which in all reality is much deeper then giving because we feel obligation, but rather is giving of ourself fully and asking for nothing in return. To fathom how the world would be different if we were able to enter into such love. To fathom how marriages would be different if they were to enter into this love which is contained within the Most Holy Trinity.
We can think of the many ways within this world in which love has been perverted. Where it has been taken and used for one's own gain at the expense of another. Maybe we have participated in this perversion of love ourself. Contraception perverts love for it places a barrier in the way of one's giving of self and turns the marital embrace into perversion of God's love. Pornography objectifies another and places them at one's own disposal thus failing to see them as a human created the image and the likeness of God the Father. Cohabitation does not express love, but rather uses another as a test subject as marriage is avoided. Marriage is something which is tough and it must be worked at and nurtured each day, but God gives all the grace necessary for it be good and holy.
Let us not be content with these perversions of love, within our world or within our own life, but rather let us seek something more. Let us seek the love of the Trinity and pursue this love through the assistance of the Church. The grace which is poured out to us is sufficient for us to conquer these vices and to reform our life after the love of the Trinity. Therefore worthily receive our Lord in Holy Communion and return to the Sacrament of Confession and receive our Lord's mercy. Dare to be different and as a couple enter into prayer together even if it be for nothing more then a couple of minutes.
On this Trinity Sunday may we come to place our sight entirely upon the Most Holy Trinity. May we be willing to see the true love which is contained here and thus desire to enter into such love as much as we are able. Let us strive each day with the grace of God to not pervert love which is both mutual and overflowing, but rather to exemplify these virtues within our own life. May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit truly come down upon each of us this day and send us forth into the abundant harvest of the Lord to love as the Trinity displays true love to us.