"Adventus" is the Latin word meaning "to come." Therefore, throughout the Advent season we prepare ourself for the coming of Christ as He is ushered into this world through the event of His first coming. We must also remember as we come to proclaim in the mystery of faith, "until you come again." This is to say that there will be a second coming of our Blessed Lord when He will come again in the fullness of divine power. This second Advent will be most important because through it we will be obliged to accept this King of Justice fully into our life. During this season that has now been set before us may we stay on watch for the coming of our Lord and thus allow the truth contained within the Gospels to penetrate into our heart.
Saint Paul admonished the Thessalonians to stay awake in order that we may "be blameless in holiness before our God and Father." The season of Advent serves as the reminder of the coming of the Son of God not only at Christmas, but also through the second coming. If we are convinced that this is a coming reality we must stay awake and remain prepared because this is the message that is contained within the Gospels. Quoting from Luke's Gospel: "Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy."
We must ask ourself, therefore, how we are to remain awake and prepared for our Lord's coming. There are many ways that this can be fostered within one's home, but I propose two things: Confession and the Eucharist. These two sacraments go hand in hand!
Saint Paul proclaims that we must "throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." Entrusting ourself to the Sacrament of Reconciliation brings us to the Lord's mercy. Making a confession casts off the darkness of sin and restores us to the light of sanctifying grace. On Thursday our parish will hold its penance service at 7pm. We will have a total of nine priests here who will be hearing confessions. Also, don't forget to make use of our new confession times which begin thirty minutes prior to every Sunday obligation Mass. If we are to climb the mountain of the Lord we must make straight the path that has been set before us. If it has been ten, twenty, thirty, or sixty years since your last confession do not fear the Lord's mercy. If you don't know how to make a confession don't let that excuse get in the way of the Lord's mercy. If you don't understand the purpose of confession swallow your pride and entrust yourself to God's mercy.
Only through the mercy of God can we come to truly see Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ pours Himself out of love to each of us through the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ our Savior. We as a parish are blessed to have a perpetual adoration chapel. We are blessed because people are constantly praying within this chapel. Do we want to reform our life, do we want to restore life to this parish, do we want to promote vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and marriage? Then come before Christ and pray. Learn to sacrifice your time and as a family let yourself be formed by Jesus Christ the divine teacher. We are busy, but there is nothing greater then a relationship with Jesus Christ and we as a Church are blessed with His presence under the form of bread and wine.
Therefore may we desire to journey unto the mountain of the Lord and may we remain awake for Christ is indeed coming soon.
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