Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pentecost Vigil Homily

The history of the world has been filled with people who believe that they know everything. I am sure that all of us can think of the many ways where we have believed that we know everything. Even if we don't want to admit these moments or have forced them from the grasp of our minds I am sure that our parents can remember a few of these experiences on our behalf. None of us can take this present moment for granted because none of us knows what our future has in store for us. We may believe that we have it all figured out right now, but before the blink of an eye all of our hopes can begin to change. In this changing of reality we begin to slowly come to understand that we do not know everything. The world is something that is passing, but we can be sure of one thing and that is that God always remains present in our midst without changing. If we can begin to truly allow God into our midst to guide us into the unknown reality of life we will always find comfort and guidance.
In our reading from Genesis we heard about the Tower of Babel where human achievement got ahead of itself. These people were much like we sometimes find ourselves because they thought that they could remove God from their lives. In the time that it took them to build this tower they slowly removed themselves more and more from the comfort and guidance that comes from God. Today as we come to the conclusion of our Easter season we celebrate Pentecost Sunday where the events that took place at the Tower of Babel were overturned. On this day we encounter the apostles as the Holy Spirit descended upon them to give them guidance as they would begin their ministry of the Church. We know from scripture that the apostles had failed at times to place Christ first and thus fooled themselves into thinking that they knew everything. With the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the Church we are all given the hope that the Church will never be led astray, but instead continue to dwell with the truth of the Gospel.
On this day we also gather with these graduates of 2013 and our prayers are with each of you as you move away from high school and head off to college, the work force, or the military. After all the years that you have worked for this day; you deserve it greatly. May each of you remember the contrast that is shown between the Tower of Babel and Pentecost Sunday. This is especially important with the world that each of you will soon begin to face. No longer will many of you have the comfort of your homes because you will soon begin to find yourselves on your own. As you head away from here I encourage each of you to protect your faith each day. With the many plans that you have for the future we know that none of them are one hundred percent confirmed, but I hope that we know and believe that God is one hundred percent desiring that we will remain with Him for comfort and guidance all the days of your life. At those moments when your plans might go astray place your trust in God and in the Church.
The Tower of Babel leaves us with the understanding that achievement has been great, but our understanding can be misguided. I firmly believe that all of you will achieve great things, but please do not allow yourselves to become misguided. Instead of placing trust in your own merits follow the example that the apostles display on this Pentecost Sunday. Instead of feeling alone following the Ascension they gathered in prayer and were led forth by the Holy Spirit who descended upon them. Continue to trust in the Church and the Sacraments and to trust in prayer and within God. We come to Mass each Sunday to be strengthened in our faith and to grow closer to God. At the Mass we have the opportunity to receive our Lord in the Blessed of the Altar and find guidance to our lives. Do not allow your busy schedules to come before the obligation to attend Mass and the opportunity that you have to receive our Lord's Body and Blood. In any uncertainty we will find comfort with our faith.
My brothers and sisters in Christ let us pray for each of these graduates who join us this day. May they become a beacon of hope to our lives because with them comes the opportunity of a new day. May each of us be inspired with the Pentecost message that the Holy Spirit has come to dwell with us. In this message may we see how empty our actions truly are if we find that they are removed from God. In achievement removed from God we end up as those we encountered at the Tower of Babel, but when we allow our achievement to flow from the Holy Spirit we join with the apostles in their great joy on Pentecost Sunday. May we remain with this joy and allow ourselves to be renewed each day in the Spirit of The Lord.

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