Monday, November 26, 2012

Mon 34th Week of OT Homily

It is good to see all of you here again. It feels as if it has been a million years since the last time we have had the opportunity for Mass. I say this because of the long Thanksgiving break that we have had and the many days that have gone by since any of our students have been able to join us for daily Mass. Of course when I say that it has been a million years since the last time we have gathered you know that I am speaking figuratively and am not speaking literally.

In our reading today we are told about the 144,000 who are seen with the Lamb. We can take this number literally and say that only 144,000 people will be invited to enter into the Heavenly Kingdom, but that number seems to be such a small amount of people. If that is the case chances are that we are doomed. We can also look at this number figuratively and attempt to see what is trying to be expressed by its use. If we were to take 12 ,which is a very figurative number within scripture, and multiply it by 12 we would end up with 144. These 144 people make up the 12 tribes of Israel which is to say that they have come from all people. Of course 144 seems like a small number, so multiplying again by 1,000 expresses the great multitude who will be present. We now come to the 144,000 people who are seen in Revelation and see that they are a great multitude of people. We are not being excluded from this great multitude, but are being invited each day to strive to enter into their ranks at the time of our death.

The woman in our Gospel gave all that she had because she understood what was required of her. She did not do it to shame God into giving her anything, but gave because she got it. She knew that because of her faith she had to empty herself out fully. May we take her example upon ourselves as we strive to join with the multitude of people who dwell in Heaven one day.

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