Sunday, October 7, 2012

27th Sun of OT Year B Homily

Why in the world would anyone commit themselves to the Sacrament of Marriage. We have been bombarded by many imagines which show that marriage is an outdated institution that no longer serves a purpose. Even if you desire to enter into marriage your partner can quickly be casted off when they no longer live up to your expectations. We are constantly reminded of the high divorce rate and are told that entering into such an institution is setting yourself up for failure. In a culture that quickly wants to be served instead of to serve; it is indeed very difficult for marriage to seem important and to endure forever. To enter into marriage is contrary to this notion because it is founded upon true love and the giving of self. Marriage is a means for a person to reach salvation because they were able to successfully live out a life where they gave of themselves to another out of love. Despite the grim outlook that our culture shines upon marriage we should be given great hope that the institution of marriage can transform society.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 1644: "The love of the spouses requires, of its very nature, the unity and indissolubility of the spouses' community of persons, which embraces their entire life: "so they are no longer two, but one flesh." They "are called to grow continually in their communion through day-to-day fidelity to their marriage promise of total mutual self-giving." This human communion is confirmed, purified, and completed by communion in Jesus Christ, given through the sacrament of Matrimony. It is deepened by lives of the common faith and by the Eucharist received together." Mark's Gospel is speaking to this statement made by the Catechism. In this account Jesus reminds us that man and woman were called into communion from the beginning of time and therefore shall not be separated. In his statement he is calling those who enter into marriage to a higher level where they can transcend human emotions to join together to give of self for the sake of the Kingdom.

We therefore should pray for each married couple who is in this Church today. Especially those who have recently committed themselves to this state of life. Also, those who have endured within this Sacrament and continue to learn of God's manifest love through their relationship. As with any commitment that is made; there are good days and bad days. Hopefully as your relationship continues to mature you will allow your relationship to draw you closer to God's divine light each day. This divine light becomes covered up when we get caught up in ourselves and in our own needs. Through coming together inside of this bond of love this divine light can be let loose into your relationship. If we fail to allow Christ to enter into marriage how can we ever hope to see any hope or reward from this Sacrament? Christ must remain at the heart of marriage because the love that is shown inside of the Trinity is mutual and self giving. In marriage we mirror this relationship in hope that our love will not be abusive but self giving.

We should also pray for all those in marriages that have ended in divorce. I know and understand that their are people here who have been touched by its grasp. I cannot imagine the sense of loss that is felt when everything that you have worked for has been taken away and you now find yourself alone. Despite this very unfortunate situation that has taken place within your life Christ continues to desire to bring His love and mercy into your lives. Realize that despite your broken relationship that Christ is still present with you and desires that healing can be brought into your life. By the fact that you are still here; you realize that the Church is still central to your spiritual life. The Eucharist and Confession should remain central as it does for each of us Here. Even if you are separated from the Sacraments of the Church you are still invited to partake in prayer, attend the Mass, and to grow each day in conformity with Christ the Divine Healer.

In this age where the understanding of marriage is broken we need to also pray for each of our youth. Our youth are the future of the Church when we look at things from the perspective of marriage. Our youth will be our future parents and priests. Therefore we should take every opportunity possible to begin to prepare them for this reality now. Prayer must be central in one's life if they are ever to hear the voice of God. The vocation to the priesthood, religious life, and the married state has God at its heart and therefore should be done in conjunction with His Divine Will. If a couple has never prayed about marriage; how can they be for sure that this is their vocation and the person who they should spend the rest of their life with? For the two to join together as one flesh should not be taken lightly because our motive is a misunderstanding of love. Love is something that is greater then a mere filling because it is an outpouring of yourself in the good times, which come easily, and the bad times, which require us to work harder.

May we allow Christ to work within our lives to strengthen us in our vocations. May those in the married life allow Christ to enter into all areas of their relationship. Christ will give strength to your relationship if you allow Him to enter into it! All actions that take place in our lives should not to be served, but to serve. We are called to follow after Christ's example of giving of Himself out of love. May we allow the love of God to be expressed within our relationships by not using other people as an object, but seeing Christ who dwells within them. If we can begin to allow these actions to take place we will be able to change the world's grim view concerning marriage. May The Lord continue to bless us all the days of our lives.

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