Monday, February 20, 2012

Mon 7th Week of OT Homily

1st Reading: Jas 3:13-18
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 18:8-10,15
Gospel: Mk 9:14-29

Everyone looks too tame inside of this chapel. After reading this Gospel I expect to see something which resembles a horror movie, but I do not see it. Where are the people who are being thrown into convulsions, why is nobody foaming at the mouth, and why is nobody being thrown down out of their seats? I feel a little ripped off! Everybody here is truly tame compared to this Gospel passage, but thankfully so because if not our seminary's counseling services would be kept so busy that there would be no time for the counselors to even sleep. This seminary community is truly a tame place compared to anything that we heard in Mark's Gospel.
As we approach this Lenten season on Wednesday we must ask ourselves if our inward disposition matches what we present on the outside. It is not good for us to walk around acting as if everything in the world is okay when in all actuality we are such a mess inside that we resemble the child possessed by a demon. Lent is the perfect time to confront these inward dispositions and begin to put them to rest, so that we may better grow towards the love that Christ shares with each of us. No matter how large or small these dispositions may be Christ desires that each us open ourselves up to Him, so that we may become greater disciples.
Whenever we confront growth in any area we must do so through prayer. The apostles failed at cleansing the child because they failed to trust in prayer. As we enter into Lent and confront our own demons we must trust in prayer. Through the power of prayer we allow Christ to enter into our lives and thus joy will be brought to our hearts. No matter what short coming or struggle that we may face in the process of formation to the priesthood Christ is always present asking us to enter into a deeper relationship with Him through prayer. Through trust in the healing power of prayer we can begin the path towards righteousness which will tame all that going on inside of the silence of our hearts.

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