Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday 21 Week OT Year 1 Homily

As Catholics we have many outward practices which profess the faith that we believe. Each of these outward actions should draw us closer to the mystery of God and His great love for us.

We can take the Sacrifice of the Mass as an example of this. As we prepared for the Gospel to be proclaimed we all stood up because we were getting ready to hear to very words of Christ. Before the Gospel was proclaimed we all signed ourselves with the cross three times. Once over our forehead, then over our lips, and finally over our heart. By doing this we express our desire to have the Gospel to effect our lives fully, so that all that we do may make it manifest. Another example of outward practice which happens at the Mass is when we say "I Confess" and get to the part where we say "through my fault." when we get here we are asked to strike our breastplate as we confess that we have sinned against God.

There is nothing wrong with these outward practices, but we must also evaluate what us going on inside of us. We must allow these outward practices to take place in our hearts and souls drawing us ever closer to God the Father. We should not just rush into these actions and follow the crowd around us, but we should take the time to evaluate our inner disposition.

In a matter of moments we will receive Christ in His Body and Blood and through doing this we ask for the grace to take hold in our hearts that will transform all our outer practices to take effect within the deepest part of our hearts.

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