At the Easter Vigil we will come to behold the Light of Christ which dispels the darkness of sin and death from our midst. At our baptism we were given such a light for through these life-giving waters we have come to be claimed for Christ and thus the darkness of sin has been washed away from our midst.
Our Epistle reminds us that we “were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light.” As we are told of such light in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where is gives light to all in the house.”
In other words we must embrace that faith that has been given to us to its fullest extent. We ought to come Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, we ought to study Sacred Scripture and the faith, but we must also choose to do something with what we have been given. We must choose to live for Christ in all facets of our life that the Gospel may remain firmly on our mind, lips, and heart.
As our Lord exclaimed in our Gospel, “Rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it.” Our faith demands that we take what we have been given and bring it into the world in order that it may be lived.
It is sin that seeps into our life and destroys that which ought to be made manifest. Sadly, there are many who see no issue with sin because the ugliness of its ways remains unseen by their sight. To remain in sin is to attempt to extinguish this light that ought to be left burning brightly. When the bridegroom comes in search for us we will not be found ready for our encounter with death.
The sacrament of confession heals that which has been left broken down by sin. Through the mercy of God and the grace outpoured we come to be forgiven and strengthened in order that we may head into the world and live as a disciple of Christ. To not frequent this sacrament would be to give into pride to the point that we are never healed and set straight.
This parish is filled with many opportunities to make use of the sacrament of confession. This Thursday we will hold our Lenten penance service where a total of nine priests will assist with the hearing of confessions. If it has been a long time since your last confession please make use of the opportunities which are constantly being set before you.
My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus we must enter fully into this season of Lent in order that we may be found prepared for our encounter with Christ. Do not move backwards into the darkness of sin, but forward into the light of Christ which dispels such darkness from our midst.